Call 0208 816 8863   |   07767 269 616

Gas Safety Inspections CP12


Here at London Gas Maintenance, you can trust us to take care of your gas safety check every year if you are a landlord in the capital. We can arrange the required testing to meet the requirements for a gas certificate for any London property, and can ensure you are remaining compliant as well as being a vigilant landlord.


Do you need a gas safety certificate?


As a landlord, a gas safety certificate is not just nice to have; it is required by law. Anyone renting out a property is responsible for the safety of their tenants, and this means checking whether the gas appliances in the home are safe and working properly. This means that every rental property which contains any type of gas appliance needs to have an annual gas safety check performed by a GAS SAFE engineer.


If you rent out a flat, house or business premises, you’ll need an annual gas safety certificate, also known as a CP12, if the property has:


  • A gas fired boiler
  • A gas water heater
  • A gas hob
  • A gas oven
  • A gas room heater
  • Or any other type of appliance that relies on the mains gas supply
  • We are qualified to issue a gas certificate for London based landlords, and can ensure you meet the legal requirements for a CP12 in an efficient and affordable manner.


What we check


As part of the check, we will inspect and test all the gas appliances in the property. This includes gas fires, hobs, boilers and cooking appliances. We will visually inspect flues and pipes, and perform tightness tests to ensure no harmful gases are escaping into the living space. We will check the efficiency of the gas burning and ensure all safety devices are working as they should, and will also check that ventilation routes are unobstructed and functioning well.


Talk to us today about your landlord gas safety certificate, and let us help you meet your legal requirements for your CP12, and keep your tenants safe.


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Call 0208 816 8863   | 07767 269 616